Hiring Remotely

140 companies answer 6 questions

In our Hiring Remotely section you'll learn how best in class remote companies use their remote status to recruit the top candidates in the world. Discover how you can increase your applicant pool and find and interview the best candidates remotely.

What traits do you look for in candidates for a remote job?


The top traits we look for are self-starters who are motivated without much oversight; they have a passion for what we do and how we…


We don’t look for any particular traits. We’re upfront with candidates to make sure they understand our culture so they can make their own decision.…


When we hire, we look specifically for people who share the same fundamental values as us. That’s not to say we look for people who…

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How do you conduct interviews for remote jobs?

Hippo Education

We start by phone, then go to video chat. Lots and lots of meetings are usually necessary. Also, a trial period is a must.


Interviews are conducted over UberConference. We ask a lot of detailed questions during the application process that allows us to narrow down the applicants pretty quickly…

Codebusters, Inc.

We interview over the phone and in person, whenever possible. If not in person, then via Google Chat which allows video sharing. The approach is…

See all 95 answers

How do you convey your remote culture in the recruiting process?


From the first call we explain to candidates that the organization is remote and the important role our values play in our culture.

OnTheGo Systems

We try to share as much information as possible—we mention our core values and explain how people work in teams.


It’s interesting. I think every new person who comes on board morphs the culture a bit. So we just focus on letting them know it’s…

See all 67 answers

What is your hiring process for remote workers?

Vork Inc

We hire for tasks rather than people. For the tasks, it has been fairly clear. And for important tasks we have, we outline the requirement…

Simple [A]

The process to become a full-time [A]gent has multiple stages and takes a long time. Our process weeds out people who are looking to quickly…

ThirdPath Institute

We only work remotely, so the process is the same for everyone.  During the hiring process we include at least one face to face meeting.…

See all 44 answers

Do you use third party testing or evaluation services when hiring remote workers?

Goodway Group

Yes. We use Wonderlic and DISC personality assessments for all candidates who interview, plus all employees go through a background check as a final step,…


No, all of our screening/evaluation processes are proprietary.



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How do you conduct onboarding for remote workers?


Very deliberately. A big component is daily one-on-ones with a different team member to talk about the job, but more importantly, about the culture and…


Onboarding is done through a series of online collaboration tools. We have a new hire orientation on the first day, just as we would if…


We’ve gradually improved the way we onboard new employees–it used to be quite weak. We have a very thorough process documentation; an onboarding ‘track’ in…

See all 35 answers